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Report Reveals Limited Innovation in Food and Beverage Packaging

Less than a quarter of food and beverage companies are currently taking an innovative approach to packaging, a trend that could significantly impact the industry's future.

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Industrial Physics' latest report shows less than a quarter of food and beverage companies are adopting innovative packaging approaches, citing internal barriers and resource constraints.

The international survey, which included packaging professionals from the food and beverage sector, uncovered several internal challenges that hinder innovation. Notably, 22% of respondents indicated their companies do not typically follow through on innovative ideas, and 49% cited that the involvement of too many teams in the innovation process causes delays.

Additionally, the report found that 35% of professionals working with organic materials felt they lacked the necessary expertise to drive innovation within their businesses.

Steve Davis, Global Director of Product Management at Industrial Physics, commented on the findings, stating, "Overall, the mechanisms, the capacity, and the direction aren’t quite there yet. Packaging companies understand the significant resource and investment required for most innovation opportunities. Therefore, the decision to go ahead is not a quick or an easy one."

The survey also revealed that nearly half (47%) of the companies had to make layoffs over the past five years, with US-based respondents experiencing the highest rate at 58%. This trend was particularly pronounced among those working with paper materials, where 62% reported layoffs.

Davis further explained that many long-established companies in the packaging sector struggle to balance the pursuit of innovation with maintaining their regular manufacturing output. He noted, "In a period where budgets are extremely tight and layoffs are being made, unless a company can guarantee the ROI, there simply isn’t enough justification to assign resources to innovation."

The report underscores the complexity of pursuing innovation amidst ongoing turbulence and internal and external uncertainties. With 41% of respondents indicating their companies plan to adopt innovative approaches in the next three years, there is a clear need for careful planning and assessment of internal operations to make informed decisions about innovation.

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In this eBook, you’ll learn how to guard against the traps that CPGs sometimes inadvertently set for themselves when implementing robotics that lead to automation “brittleness.”
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Rethinking Packaging Robotics to Prioritize Flexibility
Rethinking Packaging Robotics to Prioritize Flexibility
In this eBook, you’ll learn how to guard against the traps that CPGs sometimes inadvertently set for themselves when implementing robotics that lead to automation “brittleness.”
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Rethinking Packaging Robotics to Prioritize Flexibility