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Top 10 of 2023 – No. 10: Absolut Commercializes Paper Bottles

Join us as we look back at Packaging World’s most popular articles of 2023. At No. 10 is a paper bottle project by Absolut, who says it’s the first global spirits brand to sell single-mold paper-based bottles commercially in the UK.

Absolut Vodka Paperbottle 500ml 6487903031e98

Absolut Vodka is launching a three-month pilot of a single-mold paper bottle in British supermarket chain TescoAccording to the brand, this is the first time these single-mold paper-based bottles will be sold commercially in-store by a global spirits company. The pilot follows Absolut’s previous limited-release paper bottle tests with lower alcohol-by-volume, ready-to-drink cocktails at festivals in the UK and Sweden. 

“This is a step closer towards our vision of a fully bio-based bottle. We are exploring packaging that has a completely different value proposition. Paper is tactile; it’s beautiful; it’s authentic; it’s light. That was our starting point. But this is not just an idea on paper,” says Elin Furelid, director of Future Packaging at Absolut. “We want consumers and partners to join our journey towards a more sustainable future. Together we can develop packaging solutions that people want and the world needs. That's why bold partnerships with like-minded organizations to test the waters are going to be evermore crucial on our net zero journey.”

Continue to the full article. 

Rethinking Packaging Robotics to Prioritize Flexibility
In this eBook, you’ll learn how to guard against the traps that CPGs sometimes inadvertently set for themselves when implementing robotics that lead to automation “brittleness.”
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Rethinking Packaging Robotics to Prioritize Flexibility
Rethinking Packaging Robotics to Prioritize Flexibility
In this eBook, you’ll learn how to guard against the traps that CPGs sometimes inadvertently set for themselves when implementing robotics that lead to automation “brittleness.”
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Rethinking Packaging Robotics to Prioritize Flexibility