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Victoria's Secret label earns TLMI top honor

A six-color label for Columbus, OH-based Victoria’s Secret Love Spell hairspray won Best of Show honors at the 2006 Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute (TLMI) awards competition.

Pw 10781 Victoria

Dow Industries converts the label, which is printed in six colors, two by rotary screen printing, plus four-color HDUV (high-definition ultraviolet) flexographic printing at speeds of 150’/min and 175-line screen. The pressure-sensitive film label is applied to the brushed gold aerosol container. Packaging material specifications were not available at press time.

The special challenges in printing were meeting Victoria’s Secret’s objectives for opacity and high-quality graphics. Image details had to be sharp and vibrant. Dow used a digital art workflow to meet its customer’s needs. It also developed a special mixture of magenta and rhodamine inks to enhance the purple color in the label.

The competition winners were officially announced at TLMI’s awards dinner in Las Vegas Oct. 21. A total of 273 entries were considered (223 from North America, 50 international), with 104 receiving awards. Besides the Best of Show, 52 entries earned first-place honors, 35 were second-place, and 16 won honorable mention. —Jim Butschli

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