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How Compostable Packaging Fits into the Circular Economy

Welcome to our latest video on compostable packaging. Compostable packaging is defined as packaging that is able to break down into carbon dioxide, water, and biomass within a specific timeframe under specific conditions.


0:00welcome to sustainable packaging0:02explained your guide to sustainable0:04materials methods and package design0:06produced by the emerging Brands Alliance0:08in conjunction with packaging World0:10today's video is about compostable0:12packaging and how it fits into a0:14circular economy as the consumer push0:16for more sustainable packaging continues0:18consumer packaged Goods brands are0:20exploring options to improve their0:22sustainability footprint packaging that0:24is recyclable made from PCR0:26biodegradable reusable and compostable0:28are all getting attention compostable0:31packaging is defined as packaging that0:32is able to break down into carbon0:34dioxide water and biomass within a0:36specific time frame under specific0:38conditions this can mean either home0:40compostable at ambient temperatures and0:42with a natural microbial Community or0:44industrially compostable under increased0:46temperatures humidity and specifically0:48formulated microbial conditions0:50compostable material can be made from0:52either biobased or prochemical inputs0:54for a package to truly be labeled as0:56compostable it is subject to0:58certification standards in North America1:00Japan and Europe the benefit of using1:02compostable packaging materials is that1:04they are designed with a circular1:05economy in mind compostable packaging1:08helps divert waste from landfills made1:10from plant-based renewable materials1:12compostable packaging also reduces our1:14dependence on fossil fuels compared to1:16plant-based materials fossil fuel-based1:18Plastics stay on the planet for a long1:20time these toxic materials do not easily1:23break down and the growing evidence of1:25the presence of plastics throughout our1:26ecosystem is enough to sway Brands to1:28try compostable Packaging packaging in1:31fact according to Market Research future1:33the compostable plastic packaging Market1:35was valued at $1.8 billion in 2022 the1:38compostable plastic packaging industry1:40is projected to grow from $1.89 billion1:43in 2023 to $2 2.91 billion by 20321:47exhibiting a compound annual growth rate1:49of 5.5% during 2023 to 2032 packaging1:54World editor Matt Reynolds tells us more1:55about compostable packaging in a vacuum1:59compostable Packaging in seems2:00miraculous since it produces no waste2:02only soil the problem that compostable2:05packaging faces is that we have an2:07entrenched Plastics and fiber recycling2:09system that we're trying to get2:10consumers better acquainted with and to2:12use more frequently compostable2:15packaging introduces another category2:16altogether adding to Consumer confusion2:19and when it's improperly disposed of it2:21will contaminate traditional Plastics or2:23Fiber recycling streams most compostable2:26packaging isn't backyard compostable2:28rather is industrially compostable2:30and infrastructure to process this2:32packaging is sparse at the moment so2:34industrially compostable packaging won't2:36get composted in regions without that2:38infrastructure and in fact serves as a2:40potential contaminant to Mechanical2:42recycling when it comes to sustainable2:44packaging the freshlock team is your2:46dedicated partner committed to2:48collaboration and Innovation to meet2:50your flexible packaging needs that's why2:52we designed the freshlock 8000 series a2:56line of sustainable closures that Target2:58circularity and waste reduction this3:00includes product Solutions certified for3:03compostability whether you're looking3:05for compostable recyclable or any3:08combination of sustainable focuses we're3:10here to support you every step of the3:12way while there are known benefits3:15compostable packaging is not the perfect3:17solution to the ongoing waste problem3:19one of the major drawbacks to3:20compostable packaging is that industrial3:22composting facilities are not currently3:24widespread in 2019 biocycle Donnet3:28estimated that in the US there are fewer3:30than 100 plants capable of processing3:32certified packaging without the proper3:34infrastructure to support compostable3:36packaging it often time Finds Its way3:38into the wrong streams contaminating3:40full batches of recycling and ultimately3:42ending up in a3:43landfill but that's not to say the3:45compostable packaging doesn't hold a3:46whole lot of promise I'd say that the3:49greatest promise is in food contact use3:51cases that don't require too much by way3:53of barrier for instance in Food Service3:55packaging that doesn't have to keep food3:57intact on a shelf for very long in a4:00perfect world compostable Food Service4:02packaging like plates act almost like4:03tortilla chips where the food scraps and4:05leftovers are the salsa the welcome4:08compostable food materials that add4:09mineral and nutrient value to the soil4:12and product compostable packaging will4:14grow and scale no doubt but for now look4:17for tests and validation programs in4:19closed loop locations like concert4:21venues or Sports Arenas where a4:23collection of compostable materials can4:25happen within a gated space and4:28compostable packaging can't Le into the4:30municipal waste recovery streams as a4:32contaminant the technology has great4:35promise but there are few problems to4:37solve as it4:39scales compostable materials can perform4:41well with many applications but are4:43ideal for food-based non-toxic products4:45that don't require High barrier4:47requirements or an extra long shelf life4:49as always it's important to do a life4:51cycle analysis to determine if4:53composable packaging is the right4:54solution for your product thanks for4:57watching and be sure to subscribe to our4:58YouTube channel for more vide on5:00sustainability packaging and scaling5:04operationsEnglish (auto-generated)AllFrom Emerging Brands AllianceFor youRecently uploadedWatched

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