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Video: Expanding Operations, Prospector Popcorn Seeks Automation, Especially Baggers

At PACK EXPO Southeast today, Elizabeth Gallo & Tara McGlynn, all the way from Connecticut, were seeking out automation, like baggers, for a new facility. The company employs disabled adults, so the idea is to reallocate, not replace, valuable employees.


Elizabeth Gallo: Hi, I'm Elizabeth Gallo, and this is

Tara McGlynn: I'mTara McGlynn, and I'm the senior product manager at Prospector Popcorn.

Elizabeth Gallo: and I'm director of opperations at Prospector Popcorn. And we're located in Ridgefield, Connecticut, and we are a small production and we're expanding into a new facility, so we're looking to scale and find the automation that we'd like to do, and we work with special population,

Tara McGlynn: We provide competitive and inclusive employment with for adults with disabilities.

Elizabeth Gallo: So we don't want to necessarily take away jobs, but we want to add to that,. and see how we can incorporate the new technology.

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